Rodents Control

Rodents can be an unwelcome guest in your home or business. They are known to spread disease, contaminate food, and cause structural damage. It is important to act quickly if you suspect an infestation, you can trust that Rodents Tauranga professionals have the expertise and experience to effectively address the issue and to prevent further damage or health risks. Here are some tips and tricks for effective rodent control.

Rodent Control 101 Sealing any entry1) Exclusion: The first step to rodent control is exclusion. This means sealing off any potential entry points that could allow rodents into your home or business. Inspect the exterior of your building for small cracks, holes, or gaps in foundations and walls that could be used as entryways by rodents. Use caulk and steel wool to seal these areas, paying particular attention to areas around pipes, electrical lines, and vents.

2) Removal: Once entry points have been sealed off, the next step is to remove any existing rodents that may be present in your home or business. Depending on the size of the infestation, this could involve setting traps or hiring a professional pest control company. Make sure to inspect all areas of your home or business, as rodents may have established nests in places such as basements and attics.

3) Cleanliness: Keeping a clean and tidy environment is key to preventing future infestations. Regularly sweep, vacuum, mop, and dust areas throughout your home or business to reduce food sources that could attract rodents. Additionally, store food in airtight containers and dispose of any garbage promptly to remove potential attractants.

4) Maintenance: It is important to regularly inspect your home or business for signs of rodent activity, such as droppings, chewed surfaces, nests, and burrows. If you find any evidence of an infestation, take action immediately to prevent it from escalating. Additionally, keep an eye on any potential entry points and repair them as soon as they are noticed.

5) Prevention: The best to prevent rodents from entering your home or business is to reduce potentials like food, water, and shelter. Rodent Control 101Store any pet food in airtight containers, pick up fallen fruits and vegetables from around the property, keep garbage in sealed containers, and remove any debris or clutters around the property. Additionally, trim back any vegetation that may provide shelter for rodents. Additionally use natural repellents like peppermint oil to deter rodents from entering your home or business.

6) Professional Help: If you have a severe rodent infestation or are unsure of how to handle the problem, it is best to contact a professional pest control service. They have the expertise and resources needed to effectively eliminate rodent infestations, as well as prevent future ones.

By following these tips and tricks you can keep your home or business free from unwanted guests. With the proper prevention and control measures, you can ensure that your property is safe from the potential damage and health risks caused by rodents.


Rodent control is an important part of maintaining a safe and healthy environment. With the proper strategies and techniques, you can effectively eliminate rodent infestations from your home or business and prevent future ones from occurring. Following the tips above can help keep your property free from unwanted guests and make sure it remains safe for everyone.